"THE BUDIAKY" new single "А ТЕПЕР..." is a philosophical reflection on the ephemerality of changes in the modern world, framed in the robes of surzhik and punk rock. The song is ironic and controversial in content and at the same time dynamic, driving and emotional in form.
The ensemble of Ukrainian authentic music «Bozhychi» (www.bozhychi.com.ua; https://www.facebook.com/bozhychi) has released the first audio album after an 11-year break, entitled «Poza chasom». The title of the album reflects the experience of singers working with traditional grooves of Ukrainian folk songs and suggests that folk music, even in the XXI century, doesn’t lose its relevance and can be performed and captured without any modern «wrapper».
Expressive jazz sound, modern processing, motives of love and notes of philosophical reflections, seasoned with a powerful life-affirming message – all this is "Shake Up" – the first single of the young talented saxophonist Kenta.